(ID 3481) plot 9.870 sale puthiyakave, tripunithura. 5.5 L/cent.(gated compound)
main road frond gated compound, 5 meter wide road access,very suitable for villas and houses.
50 mtr from main rod ernakulam kanjiramattom,good water and air.
Distance-; tripunithura 3 km , vyttilla 8 km , kakkanad 15 km , chottanikkara 3 km.
EXPECTED PRICE:5.5 Lakhs/cent (negotiable)
AjithJoseph agent 9895569656 ,7907943996
Email: ajithvilangadan@gmail.com
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Bank loans available from all leading banks & Kerala's famous Vasthu and Construction arrangements also available for required customers only
if you are interested the property please note the ID nos